Saturday, July 24, 2010

The "Add a Gadget" Blogger Page

The "Add a Gadget" Blogger page is where people can find widgets to be places on Blogger blogs. Some of the most common used ones include these:

---Folllowers: This allows users to create a list of readers via Google.

--Feedlist: This is users can syndicate other blogs or feeds into an existing blog.

--HTML/JavaScript: This is a widget in which third-party JavaScript ads can be pleased.

--Text: This box is used to place text that Blogger blog users wants to place on every single page.

--Adsense: In this box would be placed AdSense code. Blogger users are also required to have a AdSense account to monetize ads.

in reference to: Blogger: Tweet Tweet! Julie's Peeps - Add a Gadget (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Breif Yoono App Fact Sheet and Profile

Brief Note from Author:

I know “Wikis” in general are meant to be strictly informative, and not opinioned and the actually body of this Sidwiki is not. . However, I just have to say I “jumped for joy” when I found out about Yoono.

The following will tell you more why. I couldn’t help but feel so ecstatic that just by browsing the web for five minutes when I found out about Yoono, and I can explain why by my rather enthusiastic but hopefully as unbiased and informative of an opinion as possible….

Yoono Description

Yoono is a desktop-based social networking client. One advantage of it is that it supports at least 10 major networks (with more likely to follow):

--Yahoo! Chat

--MSN/Windows IM








--You Tube

--Yoono Features

Suggestions are being made to continually improve this application (i.e. to add Sype to the list and other networks). However, this service already allows people to reach a wide range of people in a very short time.

Key features of Yoono include the following:

--Helps users update and sync statuses from one place

--Total sync of all statuses all across the web

--Real time socialization with friends and colleagues

--Organization of social network and reduction of repeat tweets

--Simple and easy sharing of links, images, and videos

Yoono Company

This company has been around since 2006, which was about the time that social networking on the web really started to take off. Pascal Josselin is the CEO and co-founder of Yoono.

Other key Yoono team leaders include Laurent Querel (CTO and co-founder), Todd Pringle, VP Product Marketing, and Guillaume Thonier, VP Engineering. Four highly educated men have helped create and implement Yoono over the past three years.

in reference to: yoono - Google Search (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

About Julie 'Sidiwiki' Collection (#1)

'Julie's "Sidewiki" Collection' is a blog created by J.A.B.'s Freelance World. It is powered by the Blogger services, and is a collection of all the posts that this company has made via the new Google Sidewiki tool.

The Sidewiki tool is a new gadget that shows up in a browser window Pane. J.A.B.'s Freelance World currently uses Internet Explorer to do this.

However, it most likely can be successfully done in Google Chrome and other popular browsers. This is a new tool designed to help people as well as companies network online with one another.

Posted via email from jabsfreelanceworld's posterous

Hi! This is going to be where all my "Sidewikis" will be stored.

I just found out about this new really cool tool that Google has. It is called the "Sidewiki." These can be published to Blogger blogs. Therefore, I created this "Sidewiki" collection blog.

I just wanted to be able to have all my Sidewikis located in one place. Thanks Google for this really awesome and fun tool.